Speak of simple and easy savoury breakfast options and the first thing that comes to my mind are these delicious onion and tomato toasties which I not only […]
GATTE WALA PAALAK SAAG aur DAL KA PARANTHA – गॅट्टे वाला पालक साग और दाल का परांठा (Chickpea Flour Dumplings in Spinach Curry with Lentil Flatbreads)
There are certain dishes that I learnt about from my mother-in-law and gatte ki sabzi is one of them. She taught me one version, that I have already […]
SOOKHI ARBI / सूखी अरबी (Stir Fried Taro Roots)
Back with some more of simple home style north Indian recipes that I am trying to compile for my daughter via this blog. Since she wanted me to […]
PUY LENTIL SALAD – मसूर दाल की सलाद
Given a choice between a bowl of soup or a bowl of salad, I would happily and without hesitation pick the salad bowl. All and any kind of […]
GAJAR HALWA / देसी गाजर का हलवा (Red Carrot Pudding)
WISHING A VERY HAPPY LOHRI AND MAKAR SANKRANTI TO ALL THOSE WHO CELEBRATE! Of all the halwas that my mother used to make, this was my least favorite. […]
It was not procrastination but rather unavailability of ingredients that lead me to not trying this dessert in my kitchen earlier. It was always hard to find savoiardi […]
MISHTI DOI CREAMSICLE / मिष्टि दोई कुल्फी (Indian Style Yogurt Creamsicle)
Summers are upon us and unlike the north Indian summers, that are dry and intense, the summers at this coastal city are hot and humid. The level of […]
AVOCADO NUTELLA MOUSSE (egg free & gluten free)
This is going to be my first proper post for Valentines! I have actually never given much heed to uploading posts especially for Valentines. My previous two posts […]