One pot meals are so good for more reasons than one – they offer a light yet satiating and wholesome meal, they come together fast (most of them) […]
Here is another cape gooseberry post in tow of the cape gooseberry chutney. Both the recipes are simple and come together in minutes; the salsa even more so. […]
KELE KI ‘MACHHLI’ – केले की ‘मछ्ली’ (Green Banana ‘Fish’ Curry)
It’s not only the season for baking, it is also time for stirring pot of hearty curries and soups. Therefore I thought of sharing this vegan fish curry […]
MAKHANA NAMKEEN – मखाना नमकीन (Fox Nuts Trail Mix)
Here is the other savoury post that I had promised. We did need something savoury among all the sweets and desserts posts that I have been sharing over […]
CHILLI MANGO LEMONADE – मिर्ची वाली पके आम की शिकंजी
My dilemma with this post was whether I should share a post on mango iced tea or should I share mango lemonade. Eventually my lop sided love for […]
BHINDI BHUJIYA – भिंडी का भुजिया (Stir fried Okra)
There are several ways to make okra or bhindi, as it is called in Hindi. It can be stuffed with spices and nuts and then pan fried. Or […]
KIWI LIMEADE – कीवी नींबू पानी
For a long time my love for limeades and lemonades exceeded way more than that for Jal Jeera or different kinds of Lassi. It is probably because I […]
HALDI ADRAK MIRCH KA ACHAAR- हल्दीअदरक मिर्च का अचार (Turmeric Ginger & Green Chilli Instant Pickle)
While in my marital home, it is the chutneys that rule the roost, at my maternal home it was pickles. Chutneys are a regular feature at my marital […]