On this special day of my blog I am taking the chance, at the risk of sounding politically incorrect, to say just one more thing that nagged me just a little bit initially. Just as every coin has two sides to it, so have been my experiences. For all those wonderful and amazing bloggers whom I chanced to meet (on the virtual space) and know, I also unfortunately happened to come across a handful of those whom I realized choose to ‘move’ only amongst their own ‘coterie‘, who never care to even pay a courtesy visit despite my visits at their amazing blogs and leaving behind my thoughts about their blog and food. In all candidness, initially, it was a bit disappointing since I have always encountered the food blogging community as being warm, friendly, supportive, encouraging and very receptive of newbies. It left me wondering if they just didn’t happen to care about others in the blogging community or are they out-rightly rude or just simply happen to suffer from some delusion…of grandeur, perhaps.
This isn’t me ranting or complaining; its just me thinking aloud. It is certainly their choice whom they wish to interact with or not for that matter, but being polite and courteous costs nothing, I believe. And that reminds of the golden words by Maya Angelou “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Just a handful of people, however, are pretty incapable of making me feel upset since I have so many reasons to be cheerful about! Wonderful friends, visitors, readers and bloggers from the community cheer me up and make my day with their encouraging and supportive words; let me tell you my friends, your mere presence on my blog is so heart-warming. I happen to be the one who count their blessings J
I chose to make this cake for my blog anniversary since it is easy and quick to make, gives the feel of being rich yet it happens to be so healthy. The cake is moist, dense, decadent and one major reason I truly adore it is, I can gorge on it guilt free. So go ahead, bake it and indulge!
For the cake you will need,
100 ml (1/2 cup) vegetable oil
150 gm Beetroot, roasted
200 gm (1¾ cup) Self raising flour
1 tbsp Baking powder (Update 2nd March – I intend to reduce the baking powder to 2 tsp since I felt that 1 tbsp leaves a slightly bitter after taste in the mouth; that I earlier attributed to something being wrong with the beets)
50 gm (½ cup) Cocoa
200 gm (1 cup scant) Yogurt
2 tsp Vanilla extract
For icing,
3 tbsp Milk
50 gram Dark chocolate (I used one with 45% cocoa)
1 tbsp Cocoa powder
75-100 gm Icing sugar (depending on how sweet you like the icing)
For filling:
175 gm Mascarpone cheese
2 tbsp Icing sugar
½ tsp Orange zest
Preheat the oven at 180 degrees C. Line the base of a 20 cm spring form pan with parchment paper and grease the sides. Keep aside.
Puree the beetroot in a food processor. Add rest of the cake ingredients and blitz till the ingredients are well combined and you have a smooth batter. Scrape immediately in the prepared tin and bake for approximately 50 minutes to one hour or till skewer comes out clean.
Remove from the oven and let it cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes. Remove the cake from the pan and flip it on the wire rack, flat side up. Once the cake is warm, slice the cake horizontally in two and let it cool completely.
For the icing, put all ingredients for icing in a sauce pan and heat. Whisk till it becomes smooth. Let it cool in the pan.
For the filling, whisk the mascarpone cheese with icing sugar till there are no lumps. Add the orange zest and mix it into the cheese. Keep aside.
To assemble the cake, place the bottom slice of the cake on the serving plate or cake stand. Tip the mascarpone filling over it. Spread evenly and gently place the other half of the cake over it. Pour the chocolate icing over the cake. Garnish the cake with nuts or chocolate shavings. Slice and serve.
Serves 8-10
And here is a look at the top five posts that were the most visited at the EFS since my return in April 2013…
Congrats dear on the blog Anniversary!!! The cake looks moist and rich!!! I always wanted to bake a beet cake and I know where to get the recipe now.
Regarding people not commenting…I too felt that way, but some times visitors like to stay anonymous for a period of time and some come out of their enclosed shell occasionally. I have friends who visits my blog frequently, but never comments. Its part of the deal I guess, but I know they are there supporting me silently. You have done a great job making this place a visual treat for all kinds of visitors!!!
Thanks Shibi 🙂 I have baked this cake a couple of time and always received ooohs and aaahs in return 😉
I too have friends who visit and do not leave comments.
Wow……. cake looks super yummm !! Congrats and best wishes to you dear. You have nice collection with awesum cliks 🙂
Thanks Sony 😀
A very beautiful decadent cake. Congrats on your blogiversary!
Thank you Daniela
Happy Anniversary! Your cake looks stunning! Love the presentation and clicks too.
Thank you so much Asmita!
Happy Blog anniversary Taruna. 2nd or 3 rd does not matter… Being a blogger I know how much thought process it takes to zero down on a recipe and present it well and u take it one level further making east meet west I think that matters most.
Virtual groups.. I am glad u raised ur opinion. I feel I am better off without them :))
Beetroot cake- so much going on in there with yogurt, m cheese,chocolate..I am absolutely loving it.
Thanks Meena. Blog friends like you always make my day 🙂
Happy Anniversary my friend, this cake looks so indulgent 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Thanks dear!
Congratulation on that…A very nice recipie indeed..
Regarding..bloggers not commenting back….I guess there are different kinds of bloggers out there..
I guess some just find blogging as an outlet…and that’s all they want…No offence…Should be okay…Totally fine..I agree with Shibee too…
You are right in saying that there all kinds of bloggers our there. No offence taken 😉
Hi di… Heartiest congratulations on reaching this milestone, and many many more to come… 🙂 Love the scrumptious cake, the kids have it once a week in their school menu; now will surprise them with the same at home! 🙂
Thanks so much sweetie! I hope the kids like the cake. Do let me know how it turned out.
Hi di… Heartiest congratulations on reaching this milestone, and may you have many many more to come… Kids have this scrumptious cake once a week on their school lunch menu, will surprise them with the same at home now… 🙂
Congrats on completing your 3rd year of blogging and this fabulous cake is just perfect for the occasion! I happen to experience what you’ve mentioned but they may have their reasons for doing so. Anyway just carry on with your blogging journey and be happy that some of the visitors really appreciate what you’re posting …
Thanks. As I said, I always count my blessings and it was a loud thinking…I am really not judging anyone here.
Congrats!! What a beautiful cake to celebrate…looks super yumm…
Thank you Gloria 🙂
Congrats for your 3rd anniversary and beetcake looks absolutely yumm. Stunning!
Thank you!
Happy Blog Anniversary! The chocolate cake looks perfect for the celebration.
Thanks Angie!
Taruna My sweet nd mouth watering wishes for ur blogs Anniversary.I am always been admirer of ur recipies. Very easy gulab jamun which i tried, or cake which i ate is the best. I tried some more also but these r best for me being veggi. But now as a celebration i will try this cake myself nd tell u the result by nandini nd shivam . ╮(╯▽╰)╭
Thanks Ajay 🙂
I am waiting for your feedback from Nandini and Shivam 😀
Congratulations, Taruna. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and following your blog and your enthusiasm for cooking. Wish your blog many more years, dear! Cheers
Thank you so much Rathai for your wishes and visit 🙂
A very happy 3rd anniversary!! What a way to celebrate! This cake is gorgeous Taruna! Wishing you all the best and many, many more years of delicious blogging. xx
Thank you Nazneen for your wishes 🙂
I knew we were kindred spirits! We started blogging on the SAME DAY! Happy Anniversary to you. Your cake looks amazing, so moist and delicious. I made a cake too but not as healthy as yours. 🙂
Indeed we are!!!!
thanks and I loved your bloganniv cake <3
Congrats on your blog anniversary! This cake is the perfect way to celebrate — it looks incredible. I always enjoy reading what you write — I’m so glad you’re blogging.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words and your wishes 🙂
Enjoyed getting to know you and your fabulous dishes over the past few years. Congratulations on your blogiversary. 🙂
Thank you so much dear 🙂
Wonderful and delicious looking cake Taruna and congratulations! Its always a nice gesture when someone comes back and leaves a comment which is not found in many food bloggers these days and I have had some similar experience too! Well, I am really glad to touch base with you.
Thanks Deepti.
I could not have agreed more with you. It is just a gesture and blogging courtesy just similar to social courtesies that we extend to others.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Your blog has exposed me to so many new foods and I always enjoy your photography. Your cake looks amazing!! Oh how I love mascarpone cheese!
Thanks Christin. Your words are always so encouraging and endearing 🙂
Congrats on your blog anniversary Taruna and many more happy years to come 🙂
Oh yes it did hurt me in the start about the way some people behaved but now I have learned to ignore and move on.. Like you said more reasons to feel happy so Y worry.
I am not a chocolate fan but the cake looks so perfectly made and surely a delight for every chocolate lovers. I love the photos. they are just awesome!
Thanks Rekha and ditto to chocolate….i am not a choco fan either but somehow this cake, I loved! I hope you try it.
Congrats on the anniversary and really, it doesn’t matter whether its the 2nd or 3rd. The intro is simply spot-on. Firstly, you’re so right about blogging, the friends we meet and how we share the passion of cooking and sharing. I don’t know how you stayed away from blogging for one year. For me, one day already is like so long. My other half says that I’m suffering from blogging madness.
But actually, its an avenue which gives me pleasure and not to be a popular blogger. And you are right about those who don’t even have the courtesy to drop by., Initially they will because they want to show their blog. Once they have you like a regular, they conveniently forget about doing the same. I’ve now learn to make new friends rather but of course I keep those close to my heart.
I love the cake, I love how you’ve presented it and I love the honest and straight forward intro. Again, I don’t know why I don’t see your post on my blogger feed. Wonder why???
Thanks Nav.
It was indeed hard staying away from blogging but sometimes life leaves you no many options…
You rightly said, it is more about one’s passion and keeping those genuine and wonderful friends close to one’s heart.
I am totally clueless Nav why you are unable to get my blogger feeds. since I am not an IT savvy person, I am afraid I will be of no help 🙁
Happy, happy birthday to your beautiful blog!!! Your celebratory cake looks amazing!
Thank you Liz:)
Te ha quedado espectacular!! me encantan las betarragas y el chocolate,feliz aniversario,abrazos.
Thank you so much Rosita 🙂
Happy blog anniversary!!!! So we’re about the same age. 🙂 I’m so glad you chose this recipe for a beet root cake because I had one the other day and it was the best cake I’ve ever eaten, and I don’t like beets!!! Yours looks delicious and moist just like I remember. I remember most of your top posts but there are a couple I need to go check out. BTW – I’m going to be making another batch of ghee this week. Thanks for sharing your post on making ghee!
Thanks MJ 🙂
I have developed taste for beets about the same time that I started blogging!
I am so glad that the ghee post was of help to you 🙂
Congratulation for blog anniversary….cake looks so amazing….perfect for celebration…
Thank you Bhawna 🙂
My hearty congrats on ur 3rd blog birthday… each post is a manifestation of how much effort you put into ur cooking, baking ad pics for sure… the cake looks super awesome, being chocolate, i would have loved to dig my teeth into it…
thank you so much dear 🙂
Happy Bloganniversary and to many more! This cake looks divine.
Thank you Rosa!
Happy 3rd blogversary – even though you took 10 months off, you should definitely count this as your 3rd! The cake looks delightful!
Thanks Shashi….I thought so too 🙂
Congratulations on your 3rd Bloganniversary! Yes it is the 3rd, not 2nd in my book. The cake looks so wonderful and love the decoration banner. I keep wanting to try a beetroot cake.
Thanks Evelyne. I too considered it as 3rd Anniv.
I hope you give this a try and enjoy as much as we did 🙂
Happppppyy Birthday to your Blog-Baby!
This cake looks amazing! I’ve tried a beet-based chocolate cake once before, but unfortunately it didn’t turn out good. Yours looks delicious and easy enough, so I’ll be sure to give it a try soon 🙂
Unfortunately some bloggers are in it for the numbers. They like to create a large following, and they enjoy seeing the numbers climb, but they don’t both connecting with those who are trying to connect and make a relationship with them. It’s sad and a little bit narcissistic in my opinion, but honestly, who needs friends like that anyway? 🙂
Thank you so much Henna 😀
I totally agree with you and in my opinion they chose to connect with those few who are doing well in the community by the virtue of recognition given by certain reputed magazines or other publications.
Congrats on your 3rd birthday of your blog, wishing many more years of happy blogging. Don’t worry about comments or visit. You will get more, egg less chocolate cake is moist and delicious, love to have a slice now.
Thanks Swathi! It is not about receiving comments but about extending blogging courtesies to one’s fellow bloggers….similar to social courtesies.
Congrats for this beautiful online journey! Wishing many more years of blogging to come from you….
Thanks Sanjeeta 🙂
Such a gorgeous cake!! I love that you snuck some veggies into it. 😛
thank you Joanne. My daughter always complains that I have this habit of always trying to make things healthy 😛
Congratulations on your 3rd year of blogging! And what a way to celebrate with this beautiful cake. I really enjoy your recipes. You have given me some great tips with cooking Indian food, so thank you. 🙂 By the way, your photography is amazing!!
Thank you so much dearie!
Congratulations on your blogoversary whatever year it is! This is such a fluffy and mouthwatering cake! Perfect for the occasion!
thanks Katerina!
Congratulations dear on your 3rd blogoversary, looking forward to many more years of your delicious posts and excellent photography! Lovely presentation, chocolate beet cake looks fabulous, so moist!
Aww..thank you so much Ambreen 🙂
Congrats on your blogiversary!! What a delicious celebratory cake!!
Thanks Kiran!
First congrats …. looking forward to see many more yum recipes and pictures
Keep up the good work
Cake is super duper yummy… Moist and delectable
Thanks Shweta
Congratulations on your blog anniversary…whichever you want to celebrate…the cake looks beautiful chocolate and beet, love the intense color…great texture as well.
Hope you are enjoying your week 😀
Thanks Juliana
Happy anniversary Taruna, a very well deserved celebration for your amazing blog!
The anniversary cake looks so good- perfect for a special occasion.
I always enjoy visiting , it’s such an inspiration.
Regarding bloggers not commenting back- I agree it’s not a nice attitude, but anyhow you are probably better off without them 🙂
Thank you Daniela!
Absolutely…we definitely are better without such lot
Taruna,my heartiest congratulations on your third blogiversary. The cake looks very beautiful and love the way you presented it! I totally agree with the Anonymous comment, sometimes people don’t comment back because they don’t want to. This does not mean that they are rude, they just don’t have time to do so.
Thank you Balvinder! 🙂
I do not give two hoots to whether they comment or not. I was talking about blogging etiquettes and courtesies which definitely some bloggers lack and need some lessons for the same.
As for them not being rude or not having time, well, It becomes rude when the very same ones chose to visit those who are doing well in the community by the virtue of recognition given by certain reputed magazines or other publications. Then it is not about time but about being rude. Again, I repeat, it is totally their choice and I too choose…to voice my thoughts about such rude people.
One does not hanker for their visits or comments. Its like you visiting someone’s home (may be a neighbor) and extending courtesies and the person slamming the door on your face. It IS rude.
Congratulations on the blogiversary my friend! What an incredible cake to celebrate with 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Thanks dear 🙂
Congratulations on the 3rd anniversary! It’s a wonderful milestone that requires a cake! 😉 I always want to try beetroot in baked goods but haven’t had a chance to make anything yet. The cake looks moist and delicious!!
Thank you Nami!
congrats taruna. just ignore, thats what i would say. i used to feel the same before, but now i don’t bother. finally what matters is your passion for cooking and blogging. i also did not blog for about 1.5 years in the span of 5 years. i missed blogging badly then and thank god i started to resume and continue to blog often now. i pray and hope you blog continuously and see many more anniversaries. the beetroot cake and its styling… everything looks great and gorgeous.
Thanks Dassana.
Of course I ignore such bloggers now although the initial experience leaves a bad taste. Ultimately one realises that it takes all kinds to make this world!!
Thank again to each one of you. It was interesting to note the views that most of you expressed here about certain bloggers not visiting lest leaving comments.
I chose to share my views since they initially bothered when I had started blogging. Later one learns it is better to leave out that which is not important to one’s life.
However, one needs to extend blogging courtesies and learn blogging etiquettes when one is living in the community…just as we extend social courtesies.
Rest, it is each to one’s own!
Hey Taruna!
I have been following your blog since you posted the idli recipe. I think I saw the pic on one of the food porn sites and I fell in love with it. Being a South Indian who hates Idli (Ironic right :P), I l-o-v-e-d that pic. Somehow, missed this post. I stopped myself from commenting on your blog because I thought you are a well established blogger who wouldn’t care for my thoughts. I read this today and it made me smile. I experience the same thing with fellow bloggers and find it so annoying. I am glad you are so candid and openly expressed your thoughts! 🙂
Love your blog and the beautiful pictures:)
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Thanks for the yummyyy chocolate cake recipes i tried this ,came out very well thank you