Had it not been for the title of this post, I am sure you would have easily mistaken this dessert / mithai for gulab jamun. And you won’t […]
ANGOORI RAS MALAI – अंगूरी रस मलाई (Cottage Cheese balls in Sweet Saffron Milk)
Just as I was writing a draft for this post, I realised that this year, all my dessert posts for Holi have cottage cheese/ chhena / paneer as […]
CHHENA MALPUA – छेना मालपुआ (Cottage Cheese Pancakes)
It is only for special occasion, especially festivals, that I pull out elaborate and rich desserts to share on the blog. We mostly don’t hold back on indulgence […]
MALAI LADDU – मलाई लड्डू (Creamy Paneer Ladoo)
The other day I was flipping through the pages of an old recipe diary of mine, which I used to maintain when I was in college. Since a […]
CHHENA MURKI – छेना मुरकी (Paneer Candy)
The feeling was of being awestruck, when I learnt some years back, that chhena murki or chena murki is a Bengali sweet. I always thought it to be […]
ROSHOGOLAR PAYESH – रौशॉगोलार पाएश (Cottage Cheese Dumpling Milk Pudding)
The festive season has begun and you are going to see more of desserts and traditional Indian confections/ mithai recipes here. The variety of Indian confection is staggering. […]
CHHENA PODA – छेना पोड़ा (Burnt Cheese Cake) – Egg Free & Gluten Free
The Hindu festival of Rath Yatra will commence on the 25th June this year. This festival takes place each year at Puri and whats better than sharing this recipe which […]
RASGULLA – रसगुल्ला (Cottage Cheese Balls cooked in Fragrant Syrup)
Soft and spongy, drenched in sugar syrup; Khirmohan for an Oriya, Rôshogolla for a Bengali, Rasgulla for a Punjabi (and other north Indians) – this mouth watering Indian dessert can be eaten by […]