Every time I stir a pot of this aromatic, gluten free, chickpea flour based gruel, I am hit by this nostalgic wave of tsunamic proportion. The image of […]
OATS UPMA / ओट्स का उपमा (Savory Oats Porridge)
Oats have never been a favourite in my house as a breakfast option. We started eating it just because of its health benefits and although I relish its […]
‘The Best Ever’ SUJI HALWA / सूजी का हलवा (Cardamom & Saffron Semolina Pudding)
Today was the day that I first time hit the publish button, with this post, at the EFS blog with a gamut of emotions running through my mind […]
LITTI – CHOKHA / लिट्टी चोखा (Chick pea Flour stuffed Balls w/ Potato & Eggplant Mash)
This post happens to be the first of the few posts (that will follow in the coming months) which will be my tribute to the Bihari cuisine. Amongst […]
AATE KA HALWA / KADAH – आटे का हलवा / कड़ाह (Whole Wheat Flour Pudding)
For a very long time I used to prefer Aate ka Halwa over the Sooji Halwa; though my favourite one still remains my Mum’s Caramel Halwa (it is insanely delicious). […]
NANKHATAI / नानखताई (Traditional Indian Shortbread Cookies)
Before I begin with this post, there is something that I wish to share with all my readers and visitors. Something which a few of the bloggers might […]
PETHA HALWA / पेठा या कद्दू का हलवा (Spiced Pumpkin Halwa – a heirloom recipe)
And after bidding a delicious farewell to the summer squash in my previous post, here is EFS saying a big hello to the winter squash aka pumpkin, with […]
CHOORI / CHURI – चूरी (Sweet Crumbed Chapatti & Some Memories…)
No fancy post this one…despite considering that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. However, it is certainly a post about love since that is what Valentine’s […]