If only I had been feeling better (health wise), I would have shared so many more sweet and savoury recipes for Diwali. My current situation made me select […]
Back here to share festive goodies for the upcoming festival of Diwali. I reached out for a traditional yet easy-to-make dessert recipe. A couple of dulce de leche […]
MANGO SABUDANA KHEER – आम और साबूदाने की खीर (Mango Tapioca Pudding)
We have experienced unseasonal and unprecedented heat this year. The summers arrived way early i.e. in March instead of April end / May and the temperatures hit up […]
PANJIRI – पंजीरी (Winter Super food)
{This is a collaboration post. I have been reimbursed in no way in monetary terms (except for the product sample) for this post. The views and opinions expressed […]
My effort to make a low fat cheesecake recipe did yield delicious results! So happy to share that I managed to pull off a cheesecake recipe that is […]
AAMRAKHAND / MANGO SHRIKHAND – आम्रखंड (Mango Yogurt Dessert)
Shrikhand is a very popular yogurt dessert in Maharashtra and the adjoining state of Gujarat. Khand means sugar or sweet and the dessert is basically Indian version of […]
PINEAPPLE KESARI – अनानास सूजी ह्लवा (Pineapple Semolina Pudding)
Halwa/ sheera / kesari is a much loved dessert and one which most people relate to, as comfort food. The aroma of semolina toasted in shudh desi ghee […]
CHHENA MURKI – छेना मुरकी (Paneer Candy)
The feeling was of being awestruck, when I learnt some years back, that chhena murki or chena murki is a Bengali sweet. I always thought it to be […]